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Kanye West Disrupts Taylor Swift on MTV Awards
Is this really the Final? Showing this August 2009, in 3d, much exciting than before, can't wait to check it out.
Allen and Lambert Goes Head to Head again This Coming November
This two people went for a battle last season of American Idol, even though Allen was entitled as the American Idol, still there a lot of fans waiting for both of their album release which was this coming November of 2009.
They went head to head on “American Idol.” Now it seems likely that this year’s top two “A.I.” winners - Adam Lambert and Kris Allen - will go mano-a-mano on the charts as well. Lambert’s record company had already announced the date of his debut album as Nov. 17th. But they had yet to trumpet a release date for the show’s actual winner, Allen. According to MTV.News, however, it looks like Allen’s CD will come out the very same day. They’re citing a pre-order post on Amazon.com which pegs Allen’s disc as coming Nov. 17th. Regardless of the date of Allen’s CD, some hints of its contents have been announced. The disc features performances by Fray guitarist Joe King, as well as hip-hop producer Salaam Remi, along with writing credits for Toby Gad (who produced hits for Beyonce and penned songs for Fergie), plus Lindy Robbins, who has worked with The Backstreet Boys. Allen recently told Entertainment Weekly that the album “will definitely have that pop rock thing.”
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Kris Allen, Winner of American Idol 2009 Season 8

Wooooooooot!!!!!! I was shocked, like placing my hands on my mouth, and saying OH mY GOD!!!! is it really true????? Yes Indeed!!!!! Kris Allen won the title of being the next American Idol for season 8. YEs!!!!! I do like Adam, everyone does.... but I like the growth the Kris Allen had and I like the type of the Artist he is. Last night, the two of them did their best on their very last performance, but I do claim that Adam in the terms of performance is always on top amongst all. On the other hand, Kris is a really good competitor. He also performs well everytime and creates different renditions of songs that he perfoms. Either way, the two of them will surely had a great career ahead of them. Like our David Cook and Archuleta last season 8, whom recently had their back to back tour in Manila. Oh my day is soooo complete, knowing that my Kris Allen won AI!
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Oh my God.. this is a crazy night! Matt Giraud almost got home but was saved by the judges, hence made him compete again for the next coming week. I also thought, like Simon said that Matt has a little chance of winning.. but I love Him! I love his type of singing, i love his voice and I believe that he could be a very good recording artist even if he didn't win this competition! That is why I thought that the judges really made the right decision. Even the crowd got crazy, when it is to announce if Matt would go home or not.. the crowd is yelling Save! Save! Save!! haha... And so the judges finally announced that Matt is saved, and everyone rejoiced! but next week, two will be going home.. it's ok.. at least we all got the chance to see Matt G. one more time. It's a tough week next week, disco night??? Oh no... I have no idea on what will be each and everyone has to sing... looking forward on Matt G's performance next week.. and also the rest of them.. :)
American Idol Goes MoTown!
This is a great night!!! I love the performance of each and everyone. But not to much on Scott Mcyntyre's song and Michael Sarver. Loved Adam.. He had a whole new set of over all aspects.. nyahaha.. great song.. my favorite performer of the night. I'm not that familiar on mo town but of course who would not know some songs that is really known all over the world. I wonder would go home tonight...
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American Idol Season 8 Elimination Night Update
Say goodbye to Alexis Grace... It was a shocking revelation that Alexis and Allison were in the bottom 3. Much shocking that Alexis went home rather than Michael Sarver who I believe much is much deserving to go home this night. Well any ways, we already have our top 10 Idols. Good luck on their said tour...
American Idol Top 11 performance night Songs
This week they did Country Songs, with the help of their mentor Randy Travis. I enjoyed this week's performance, not so sure on whose going home tomorrow. Good Luck to our Idols.
1. Michael Sarver - Ain’t Goin’ Down Till the Sun Comes Up
2. Allison Iraheta - Blame It on Your Heart
3. Kris Allen - To Make You Feel My Love
4. Lil Rounds - Independence Day
5. Adam Lambert - Ring of Fire
6. Scott Macyntyre - Wild Angels
7. Alexis Grace - Jolene by Dolly
8. Danny Gokey - Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood
9. Anoop Desai - You Were Always on My Mind
10. Megan Joy - I go walkin' after midnight
11. Matt Giraud - So Small
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Say goodbye to Jasmin Murray and Jorge Nunez, the first two that was eliminated last night from the Top 3 of American Idol Season 8. It's been a tough night. A more better song choice would have been their only chance to stay and keep singing at more rounds of Idol.
One of them may be saved by the judges, this is a big twist in Idol this season. One of the judges can save an eliminated contestant BUT on the next week 2 will be headed home. This is to prevent happenings from the past, like when Chris Daughtry and Michael Johns, which everyone was shocked, was eliminated very much early as expected by many. This I guess, was their solution to sustain those truly talented contestants that deserves to be in the top. Judges can only have 1 person to save for the whole elimination so they must be very careful in doing their decision. In last night's case, no one, neither Jasmine nor Jorge, has received a "saved by the judges" call. Glad to have them in the Top 13 tough.
There are lots of issues today and most common these days are the diseases or infections that may ruin an individual’s life due to isolation like before when people used to isolate persons with leprosy. Now there are sexually transmitted diseases that are occurring that may also lead to such case. One of the most common STD’s is the genital warts where according to the studies of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, this has been transmitted to over 20 million US citizen who are carrying the Human Papillomavirus the one that causes genital warts. What is this genital wart/s? this is a sexually transmitted disease that is characterized by small benign warts around the genitals or the anus of a person. This is also called venereal warts. Symptoms of genital warts may appear in different areas depending on the gender. For male they may have it on their penis, urethra, and rectal area while for females, they may have it on their vaginal lip/s, the inside of the vagina, the uterus and the cervix. Genital Warts and Pregnancy is not really dangerous to the mother but is dangerous to the baby since they have a chance of being infected. For more information about the disease, visit the website genitalwart-s.com.
American Idol Season 8 - Top 13's First Performance
Who would go home tomorrow night??? Top 13 performed Michael Jackson's songs. I thought everybody did a great job. Some picked the wrong song choice. I love them all. But it was said that 2 are going home tomorrow, sad... But great show by the way. I enjoyed the performances of each and everyone of them.
Top 13 - Performed Music of Michael Jackson
1. Lil Rounds - The Way you Make me Feel
2. Scott Macintyre - Keep the Faith
3. Danny Gokey - PYT (Pretty Young Thing)
4. Michael Sarver - You're Not Alone
5. Jasmine Murray - I'll be There
6. Cris Allen - Remember the Time
7. Allison Iraheta - Give into Me
8. Anoop Desai - Beat it
9. Jorge Nunez - Never Can Say Goodbye
10. Megan Corkey - Rockin' Robin
11. Adam Lambert - Black or White
12. Matt Giraud - Human Nature
13. Alexis Grace - Dirty Diana
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I got intrigued on Francis M's Blog.. which is always mentioned in news or talk shows, that Francis M has posted his journey and battle on his cancer on his blog so I searched this and found his blog in multiply and also his other site.. I'm so sad.. people.. so much people also was... Rest in Peace "Kiko"... we will always remember you...
Click to see Blogs of Francis Magalona : Francis M's Happy Battle and A Free Mind
Having a problem with your safety and security? I know were all aware of bank robbery or snatcher who steals important belongings to us. Of course we don’t want to be a victim of this. So we think of ways on how we can be secured with this kind of crime. But aside from this, have you heard about identity theft? This is where others pretend to be someone else using others identity and have benefits that tends to be yours, of course like those crime that we mentioned we don’t want to be a victim of this. Because you are the one who will have to fix your name by all those credit card and other stuff that was named after you. So why will you wait all this things to happen to you when you can prevent it at the first place. Life Lock can help you with this entire problem that might trouble you someday. With this you can prevent someone by using your name or by using you money and benefits that was supposedly used only by you. In LifeLock they can guarantee you that your identity will be safe, hundred percent, you can visit their website in LifeLock.com to know more about their program.
Wild Card Winners | American Idol Season 8
Congratulations to those that made through the top12 nope! actually it's plus+1 so it's 13 already!!! Nice! the judges are so uinpredictable. I'm so disappointed that Von Smith chose a not so good song.. He could do so much better.. *sigh
Glad to see much more of them performing in the next week's show...
Jasmine Murray
Megan Corkrey
Matt Giraud
Anoop Desai
Francis Magalona, at March 6 2009, is confirmed dead... sad... with a young age.. this actor, singer, composer and host's life has ended due to leukemia...
article i got from friendster and other sites...
On March 6, 2009, it was reported that Francis Magalona succumbed to acute myelogenous leukemia at 12:00 noon that day, a few days after his fourth chemot
herapy session and a few days before his supposed stem cell transplant. The announcement was first made on the variety show Eat Bulaga! of which Magalona had been a host, after which a short tribute to the artist was aired.
R.I.P. - Francis Durango Magalona (October 4, 1964 - March 6, 2009)
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The judges revealed 8 people who can compete again and be the last 3 to go through the wild card round. This would be so exciting.. Everyone in the wild card round are great.. except for Tatiana.. Hmp!!!
Wild Card Group:
- Von Smith
- Jasmine Murry
- Ricky Braddy
- Megan Corkrey
- Tatiana Del Toro
- Matt Giraud
- Jessy Langseth
- Anoop Desai
Group 2's Tops 3 - American Idol Season 8
Group 2's Results night are finished and my 2 bets, Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta went through, together with Chris Allen, and they are now one of the top 12 of Season 8 in American Idol.
from americanidol.com:
Allen, Lambert and Iraheta join 28-year-old church music director Danny Gokey from Milwaukee, 21-year-old musician Alexis Grace from Memphis, Tenn., and 27-year-old oil rig worker Michael Sarver from Jasper, Texas, who were selected as the first three finalists last week.
Next Tuesday, 12 more semifinalists will vie for three other spots in the competition's top 12. Then, previously dismissed semifinalists will get a second chance at stardom. After the first nine finalists are selected by viewer votes next Wednesday, the judges will pick the last three finalists at the end of a special wild card round next Thursday.
- I don't yet have a clue on the possible ones that will able to be included in the wild card. There is still 3rd batch so I'm gonna watch out for it and see more talents in Idol.
2nd Batch of top3 American Idol Season 8 prediction
American Idol Season 8 has it's top 3!
Alexis, Danny and Michael made it through to the top 12... wow... i actually don't like the whole process of choosing the top 12 this season. But however, that's the way they chose it, there's nothing we could do about it. Alexis and Danny truly deserve to be in the top 12 but it was a little bit annoying that Michael got the seat instead of others who are much deserving to be on that his position. I just hope that on the wild card, judges would pick up the most deserving ones that wasn't able to be in the top 3.
American Idol Season 8 Schedule in the Philippines
this is from
Here's a reason to mark January 14 on your calendar: our favorite talent search, American Idol, returns to TV via Q Channel 11!
New year means change, and for AI, we are definitely in for major changes as the loud, opinionated trio of Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and Randy Jackson welcomes a new judge: record producer Kara DioGuardi, who is apparently more like Simon than Paula. If Simon always gave the deciding vote before, who would call the shots this season?
Hollywood round will be extended into two solid weeks that will let us into more group numbers.
Season 8 will also see us scrutinizing more contenders for the title as the show gets Top 36 instead of the usual 24 in the semifinals round. From the Top 36, judges will choose Top 12 after just one round of performances.
And if you enjoyed watching the Idols play their own instruments last season, you can look forward to that again as AI executives chose to retain that innovation from last year.
So get ready to start the Idol madness this month! Q-11 will air the four-hour, two-part premiere on January 14 and 15.
5pm or 6pm sa QTV ang airing nito..
Thanks to you buddy... :)
'Dark Knight' sweeps People's Choice Awards
whew!!! this movie really deserve their recognitions!!! And ofcourse, Heath is the one who trully deserve their award! hooray to "The DarK Night! and Joker! (Heath Ledger)"
By DERRIK J. LANG, AP Entertainment Writer
LOS ANGELES – Holy People's Choice Awards, Batman!
"The Dark Knight" soared away with every trophy it was nominated for Wednesday at the 35th annual fan-favorite CBS ceremony. The caped crusader flick won five awards, including favorite cast, superhero, action movie and on-screen matchup for Christian Bale's Batman and the late Heath Ledger's Joker.
"On behalf of all of the cast from the movie, thank you very much to the fans," said Bale. "Here's to Heath."
The CBS ceremony was hosted by Queen Latifah and returned to the Shrine Auditorium for its typical star-studded live show format, following last year's writer's strike-friendly, pre-taped program. Stars such as Adam Sandler, Kate Hudson, Robin Williams, Hugh Laurie and Reese Witherspoon showed up to accept their awards at the slightly subdued ceremony.
"It's such a great way to start the new year," Witherspoon, the "Four Christmases" star who won an Oscar in 2005 for portaying June Carter Cash in "Walk the Line," said as she accepted her award for favorite female movie star. "A couple years ago, I won a great award for singing in a movie. This year, I won an award for having a baby throw up on me."
Other recipients selected by Internet voters in categories spanning movies, television and music included "Dancing With the Stars" as favorite reality show, Carrie Underwood as favorite female singer, "House" as favorite TV drama, Brad Pitt as favorite leading man, Angelina Jolie as favorite female action star and Ellen DeGeneres as favorite talk show host.
"I wish I could share this with you," DeGeneres told the audience while clutching her trophy on stage. "I could throw it on the ground and smash it into a million pieces, and give each one of you a little piece of it, but that's violent, and that's probably why you voted for me, because I'm not violent."
Other winners were "WALL-E" for best family movie, "27 Dresses" for best comedy and "The Secret Life of Bees" for best independent movie.
Will Smith was named both the top male action star and best male movie star; Kate Hudson was declared the best leading lady. The best TV comedy was "Two and a Half Men" and the top TV animated comedy was "The Simpsons."
Queen Latifah accepted the favorite drama and independent movie awards alongside her "The Secret Life of Bees" co-star Dakota Fanning. The overly enthusiastic host opened the show by wading through the audience and asking celebrities if they could keep entertaining the masses in 2009. All mimicked President-elect Barack Obama and by answering: "Yes we can."
CBS is a division of CBS Corp.
On the Net:
American Idol Season 8 Has Begun!!!!
Auditions are running and i'm getting really excited to wath this show again, after being so happy and overwhelmed due to the success of my bet David Cook, I'm getting more excited to see new faces and new talents. Who's the next idol??? I'm definitely gonna watch out for that..
oopss.. seen this from AI official site.. just want to share to everyone else.. tsk tsk....
American Idol Scam Alert
FOX and the producers of "American Idol" have received information about a mail fraud scam using sweepstakes award letters printed on what appears to be "American Idol" letterhead and allegedly signed by creator and executive producer, Simon Fuller. The letter notifies recipients that they have been selected as a winner of a sum of money and contains fraudulent checks and a phone number to call to claim the fake "prize" checks.
FOX, the producers of "American Idol," and their subsidiary companies, do not sponsor or support any lottery, sweepstakes or prize contest that resembles the letter referred to above. The producers of "American Idol" are investigating this mail fraud in conjunction with local and national law enforcement agencies. If you receive a letter like this, please report it to the United States Postal Inspection Service at: